Monday 19 April 2021

Sani Scale

    One of the real stand out series I've been reading since the first lockdown is The Burning series by Evan Winter, a big story fantasy tale set a non-Earth version of Africa. Its the classic big bad is coming but we need to sort ourselves out first genre, but with dark twists that keep you guessing at what is going on. Plus there are dragons, how can you not like a good book with dragons in it?

   With the second book coming out recently and me reading it even more recently, I got thinking about this twist in a fantasy army. When we think of fantasy games its a very white affair with maybe an Arabic looking race as one of the bad factions but wouldn't an African army look really interesting on the battlefield - effectively Evan writes the Omehi armies as (and probably going to show some ignorance here) looking like Zulu armies but with access to unridden dragons, and instead of married/unmarried being a distinction in Omehi armies it is Noble/Lesser that is the distinction. So I plan on using Married Zulu as Nobles, using the Foot Serjent profiles in Lion Rampant and Unmarried Zulu as Lessers, using the Yeomen profiles.

   The figures are from Essex and are properly nice to paint, but a nightmare to put together. I only bought enough for a single unit as I wanted to test a theory (there are more single units from potential armies coming) and, once they were built, I enjoyed the rest of the process a lot.

   So here is Sani Scale* - Omehi Nobles. 

*In the theme of dragons the minimum unit of organisation is a scale

Again, sorry for my shocking photography

Thanks for reading

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