Monday 10 June 2024

Mass Uprisings

   With both the failure of the Deathwatch to wipe out a hub of the Star Children Cult command and the renewed assault from the Hive Fleets, the Day Of Ascension has swung into over drive with cult uprisings all across the planet.
   Fighting has even occurred in PDF compounds which has resulted in whole companies of troops seemly swapping sides to help the alien invader with many an Imperial tank being seen opposing those still loyal to the throne.

   The final phase of the war for Fratribusia has now been reached. Great devourer organisms are emerging from spawning pods across the world, whose sole aim is to eat anything and everything in their path. Massive spore towers have spread and are erupting in areas behind Imperial lines. Even the planet's weather has been turned to suit the invader as the rain dissolves all it touches as a pre-digestion aid leaving the vast once verdant jungles as mere barren wastes.
   The Imperium has been left with but a single choice. How much can be saved.

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