Thursday, 20 March 2025
More Sons Of Horus Terminators
Sunday, 16 March 2025
The Red Angel Calls
Friday, 14 March 2025
Tiny Romans

Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Scenery Project 1 - Dibbler's Meat Pie Shop
I've been looking online for some interesting buildings to supplement my collection, those models that just have a bit of character to draw the eye. I follow Fogou Models on Bluesky and this building came up as someone had shared it, which instantly made me realise I needed one for my Madina.
Its made of an almost plaster of Paris feeling resin, so is a very different beast from the other plastic kits I've been playing with* and with it only taking an afternoon to paint, it was a lovely little project. The model is called the Bakehouse and I've added a roll shutter door** and junction box from the same company just to give it something, along with cardboard signs.
*this will not play well if stored in the same box as a foam built adobe
**I meant to order their shop opening but didn't realise I'd ordered incorrectly until I made this post
All of my other scenery for this project has been made with multiple periods in mind, so I'm trying not to put anything futuristic on that can't be removed for WW2 or Medieval games. This model I just decided would be sci-fi all the time and I think it just suits it.
Thanks for reading
Saturday, 8 March 2025
Vehicles For The Desert
A few months ago we took the family on a long weekend to Cornwall to take full use of the last year where holidays can be taken in term time, this was supplemented with an extra night in Devon to break up the journey home. Looking at where we ended up staying it became obvious that a quick stop at the Tank Museum in Bovington was a real possibility.
We went to the museum fully aware that a young family and museums normally means a rapid exit when someone gets too bored, so I set my hopes low and aimed to see a few key vehicles. However, we were pleasantly surprised, every area has something for kids to play with, be it a table with army figures, fake Lego to build your own tank or a giant snakes and ladders, all topped off with a massive soft play.
This all brings me back to the project I started as the big early project for 2023, my African theatre British for WW2. I worked my way through the infantry in January that year but I was stumped on the exact colour for the vehicles and while I was working out my plan, other projects took over and this one was forgotten beyond it being the first option to play with my brother before we both drop the plan as neither of our armies were finished.
Coming back from holiday, I was, unsurprisingly, massively motivated to get some tanks painted, so I went to work playing with sprays and paints in my collection before deciding on a Zhandri Dust spray as a prime then a really watered down Tallarn Sand just to get the colour a bit closer and I was quite pleased with the result on the test Humber MK2 (below).
I then decided to use the other vehicle that came in the Gentlemen's War starter box to test the blue camouflage, which took me a few days of looking at my paints and photos online before I was happy to try an idea. Then work and home life hit hard and it took me about 2 weeks to finish this model, but again, I'm pretty pleased on the end result.
With those done, I then sat on the project again for a bit due to just a lack of opportunities to actually use these armies, but with the new Wayland Games venue hopefully opening in the next couple of months, it would be good to get this project usable and ready to go.
With that in mind, here are the first Matilda and a light mortar team that I need for my first list. I need to pick up another sprue of 8th army infantry as I am short an officer team in the new edition, but otherwise I just need a table and time to get a game in.
Thanks for reading
Thursday, 6 March 2025
Sons of Horus Terminators
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
HMS Bienfaisant
I had a plan to try and do a ship a month this year to just keep them slowly trickling out, its now march and this is the first, so that's going well.