Monday 21 October 2024

Bring The Fire

   Carrying on with the models needed for a second Space Marine combat patrol from the aptly named Combat Patrol magazine with a unit of Infernus Marines.
   These guys show a bit better than the captain I paint for the August Lions the chapter colour scheme. Should I have halved both shoulder pads as well as the bodies? In hindsight, probably not, but I'm pleased with how they look at 3 foot.

I am at the point with this project where I both never want to paint another model in the colour scheme and want to buy another box of something for it straight away. Its tough.

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Thursday 17 October 2024

Hosokawa Samurai

   Last for this side of the project we have the units of Samurai. There were a few moving parts on this one when it came to building the units and painting them.

   The first big decision was how big to do the units as Lion Rampant does regular units sizes and halves the unit size for "elite" units like knights, however, reading how most gamers who play this period do, they treat Samurai as slightly better regular troops and save the elite slot for Hatamoto Retinue, which seem to be elite Samurai. So, that is what I did.

   The second was a colour scheme. I decided to make this units a bit more interesting and to stand out for their Ashigaru regulars by letting each guy wear their own colours - to an extent - so the units are mixed. I think this helps the models stand out as elite, while not needing to be very elite in their rules. I then gave them all their back banners to tie them into the army again.

The two units of Samurai

The Samurai Archers

The Commander

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Monday 7 October 2024

15mm Ashigaru Archers

   The next unit finished for my 15mm Feudal Japanese project is a unit of Ashigaru Archers, again, from the Hosokawa clan. Painted in the same way as they melee weapon carrying colleagues, the thing I struggled to find out was what the rule for their back banners was as half my guys have their hats on their back so can't fit a flag. As far as I can work out, there isn't really a rule for who does and does not wear them, but having a 50/50 split in a unit probably isn't massively historical, but limited by the figures I've done what I can.

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Sunday 6 October 2024

The Horror Of Fire

   As mentioned before, Pink Horrors need Blue Horrors, Blue Horrors need Brimstone Horrors, so here they are. Both units done as one big batch as their complexity level was pretty low.

   Nice easy job of Iyanden Yellow contrast over Wraithbone, with a couple of darker 'highlights' to really get some flames going.

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Friday 4 October 2024

More Horrors From The Deep Blue

   When building and painting an army, whether planned or not, I always think it is important to get some troops in first. I know a lot of people who always do elite armies that ignore troops, but my theory is that you need two of three units of the absolute bog standard regulars in your collection as you never know what might happen with army lists*. 

   To back this theory up, I bought myself a second box of Blue Horrors and got on with them while the project was fresh in my head.

*I recently saw someone complaining that Warlord Games has done a GW by making his army illegal. Army in question was a minor nation (in Warlord's terms) where a single Theatre Selector allowed him to build his infantry units with different weapons - I believe this was entirely SMGs instead of rifles - so now the army was worthless and going into his bin. While painting a handful of riflemen when he did the army would have future proofed him to an extent.**

**This is not to say I haven't been burnt in the past

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Wednesday 2 October 2024

Horrors Of The Deep Blue Kind

   Speaking to one of my brothers before my birthday and I was half joking and half threatening about doing a small Tzeentch Daemon army to compliment his Thousand Sons in our next campaign (before the news that our gaming venue was shutting down). I already have a single unit of Pink Horrors that I don't think ever made it onto this blog, but that need a real tidy up anyway. However, Pink Horrors need a unit of Blue Horrors to be able to be used*.

*and Blue Horrors need Brimestone Horrors . . .

   So a month after my birthday, my other brother turns up at the door with a pile of wrapped presents, one of which is a box of Blue Horrors.

   This things are painted in contrast - just perfect for this job - with a highlight on the top and then painted fairly normally from that stage onwards. Yellow is also contrast as Iyanden Yellow over Wraithbone is just superior to any other yellow I have ever used.

Blue Horrors Tzeentch Daemons

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Saturday 28 September 2024

Hervictus Topup

   A few months back when we were chatting about our next campaign and I was saying I wanted the regular troops on both sides to play a bigger part, but the other 3 players are all going to be using Space Marines of one flavour or another, or Sisters of Battle, which meant the Imperial Guard/Traitor Guard would fall to me to represent.

   While I have everything for the Traitor version of the Combat Patrol, the Imperial side was lacking quite a bit despite have a decent guard collection due to the limitations of the old metal Steel Legion range. I still need to work out what to do with the heavy artillery but the figures below solves most of the infantry gaps.

   The figures are sculpted by someone on Cults3D that I paid for and then printed for me by someone on Bluesky. I initially asked for about 8 guys to be printed but the price for printing was per base plate, which was about 12 figures a go, so I bought a set of rifle armed sculpts and just went for two prints.

   The figures in this batch are a couple of flamers, couple of melta guns, an officer, a rifle I converted with a chainsword, a medic and some of the rifles.

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