Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Chaos Space Marine Combat Patrol

   Speaking to my brothers about what games they want to play this year, they have both said that they would like to stick with Combat Patrol as their main way of playing as it allows them to dabble with armies and ideas without investing too much, plus neither has much painting or gaming time, so it keeps everything manageable. So I have been looking at my projects to see what needs doing as a priority and a combat patrol I should have finished a long time ago is my Chaos Space Marine one. This was supposed to be my big army for the year, so why was this basic part of it not done?

   The first model was the character - a master of possession. This model sat unfinished on my desk for ages as I just couldn't decide how to paint it. I'd finished the red armour but found myself stuck. Once I painted the bone detail, black coat and decided on grey fur (round the back) the bulk of the decisions were made and it went together much easier than my head thought it was going to do. I'm quite pleased with the blue flames as they don't look natural.

   The next thing was the squad of regular marines. I've got a fair few finished marines for this army but I wasn't sure I had the exact weapon options and as I had a spare set on the sprue, it made sense just to purpose build the right squad. This was also the first unit to get the new army symbol on their shoulder, which I am really pleased with.

Thanks for reading

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