Sunday, 16 March 2025

The Red Angel Calls

   I went into this year not planning to do many/any(?) new projects but after a conversation with my brothers about their gaming plans for the year, both have expressed a desire for a cheap year in terms of playing a couple of different combat patrols but not building massive armies*. So while I am still going to try and get a couple of bigger games in at some point this year**, it has allowed me to muck about with other combat patrols slightly more guilt free.
*working on the theory buying a new combat patrol is a set price they can budget into their plans, while armies tend to be unpriceable and suffer from unplanned project creep
**if my gaming venue ever reopens

   The World Eaters were one of those combat patrols I had my eye on but probably wasn't going to push the button with until two things happened, 1. GW announced that the chaos daemon codex wasn't going to be a stand alone thing and that we'd get mixed daemon/mortal God books for them. 2. My brothers wanted to stay with Combat Patrols. This meant that I was going to end up buying the Khorne book anyway as my Khornate daemons are my biggest daemon army, so I might as well get the most use out of the book, plus its a combat patrol I can use against my brothers. Also, the patrol being three core units with sensible upgrades meant I had a solid basis for an army no matter what happened in the new codex.

Thanks for reading

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