Saturday, 19 October 2019

Horse power to run the invasion

   While they weren't finished in time for the game, I knew I wanted a unit of the knights finished early in the painting schedule. I still enjoy sitting down in an evening with a base coated batch of infantry to start on than a base coated unit of horsemen, but that tends to be a good reason to make sure the horsemen aren't left for last, and I'm glad I didn't, as I am pleased with how they have come out.
   Again, they are Gripping Beast Normans and a mix of a couple of packs. the bit I enjoyed the most in the process was while building them, I was looking to see if each model had his sword still in the scabbard so I could make sure they were armed correctly.

Thanks for reading


  1. Absolutely splendid and I do like those pill bases.

  2. Great stuff Mike! Not familiar with Gripping Beast figures, are they metal?

    1. They are indeed metal.
      I have to admit, for historicals, I prefer metals to plastics.
