Thursday 4 February 2021

Doing the other side

    I wasn't planning on getting another post out quite so quickly, but a day where my mum was able to help babysit our son gave me a chunk of free time to relax that I put into painting. I used the time to carry on with my plan of getting two 15mm armies ready for a game the moment there is some relaxation of the mixing rules and we can start gaming at home.

   I'd already made sure that my confederates were tidied up and sprayed, ready to go. As they would be a bit less uniform than my Union, I knew they would take a bit longer, but (other than the straps) they were still good fun to paint. I gave them all a grey uniform based on the uniform palette I used on the 28mm version and, again, like the Union troops I gave them the same banners that their 28mm counterparts have.

   Now I have two sides sorted and the project is done, it makes sense to own up to the full truth. I've been placing a few little orders elsewhere to fill this project out a bit. I've got some cavalry and limbers coming for both sides from Kalistra as they seem to be the best size match out there - more on that when they arrive - and I picked up some scenery from Hovels just to stop it being a green board with some trees. If this works out as I hope it will, I should have a good looking game I can play at home, and if I can convince a few other guys to paint their sprues, we'll have a decent sized game to play at the club.

   There is also a voice in my head telling me to pick up at least another couple of sprues to bulk both sides out, but I think its best we ignore him at the moment.

Thanks for reading


  1. Great stuff Mike! Where do you source your flags?
    We're starting a bit of an ACW game at the club ourselves so I fully understand that little voice in your head about buying more.

    1. Thanks Ivor.
      Look up Wargames Designs - you want their 10mm flags if you are doing the warlord stuff.
