Monday 29 April 2024

Bigger Bugs Pt 21

   I got to play 2 turns of a 1500 point game at my mate Steve's house a few weeks back - we started late as both parties needed to put kids to bed first, then it quickly became obvious his alarm clock was going off uncomfortably soon, so we called the game, but the game did give us some learning points;
1. I still love putting a swarm on the table
2. I need some movement trays for my Tyranids - that allow for long tails
3. Venomthropes are fun in a swarm

   My brother bought a load of space bugs from myminifactory (pretty sure that's the company) as he liked some of the alternative sculpts for Ravenors and Venomthropes more than the GW ones and while he was there he bought me a pack of each too to keep a level of consistency across our forces.
   While I'm not sure I 100% agree that the Ravenors are an improvement, I sort of see his thing for the Venomthropes. I do like that they don't look like the alternative kit for a Zoanthrope. 
   Out of curiosity, I added them to my swarm list for our game and the shroud ability when in the middle of every unit was a lot of fun, so they deserved a paint job in my limited hobby time.

Thanks for reading

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