Friday 28 June 2024


   Project CMAINLL is short for Crap My Army Is No Longer Legal and has come about with the release of the new Genestealer Cult codex. I've played a few 1500 point games using the army recently but with the new codex there are a few units I can no longer use in their current form or at all - the key things are the two Imperial Guard Leman Russ tanks that I have to take a specific detachment for, which is easily done but I would rather use another, and the Acolyte Hybrids which are now two differently equipped units which means my current 10 man squad isn't a legal unit.

   To solve these problems project CMAINLL has two prongs:
1. Increase my points to replace the tanks but give me some extra fire power - also wanted to make the army feel a bit more GSC and not like a Guard list
2. Break my Acolyte Hybrid squad down and then increase the resulting parts.

   To complete part 1 I have:
   To do this I have added another 5 Aberrants to bulk out a full 10 "men" and then added a Biophagus (guy in white - medic/mad scientist) to give them a buff. 

   Added a Brood Patriarch to give my Genestealer squad some hitting power

   The added a Primus as these guys are just brutal if attached to a decent squad (photo of the Magus familiar too just as I have finished the Magus it goes with yet)

   The combined with task 1 is task 2. Another 10 Acolyte Hybrids round my squad up to 20 and allow me to create the following; 1 squad of 10 with autopistols and 6 heavy mining weapons and then 2 squads of 5 with hand flamers and 2 demo guys in each - the small squads will be hit and run.
   I found this squad was the headache to build. My current 10 man squad wasn't optimised as it was the 5 I was told to build for Combat Patrol then whatever I liked the idea of to round it out - if I was buying two boxes to make my army legal, I was going optimised - so in 10 men I had to build, 2 sgts, 4 heavy mining weapons, 3 demo guys and a banner (didn't have any space for another).

I should have a game to test this theory out next week, so lets see how it does

Thanks for reading


  1. Yup, I had to wave goodbye to my tyranid seeding swarm. My space marine army designed around the 4th edition traits system.

  2. The prize for the best blog post title goes to... Project CMAINLL did make me chuckle Mike. Amazing sculpts and fabulous work.
