Friday 30 August 2024

Squad Valorous

   As mentioned a while back in March when I finished Squad Valiant (who have since become an illegal squad) I had bought the Deathwatch Combat Patrol box as a way of scratching a few space marine itches.

   I built and painted the whole box fairly quickly and got the marines to the point where everything was done including the basing except that the chapter pads were mostly left blank so I could add them as and when I had good ideas*. I got the first 5 of these Intercessors done fairly quickly but was stumped by my lack of free hand skills to do some of the other chapters I had in my head.

   I have since found a guy on Etsy who custom printed me a mixed sheet of chapter logos including one I found online as a png file and this allowed me to get the project finished.

*I had a game with them in this state

deathwatch intercessors

In no particular order; Sgt Ultramarine, Space Wolf, White Panther, Red Templar, Death Strike, Crimson Fist, Excoriators, Astral Claw, August Lion and White Consul.

   The model below is the one I am most proud of - I've called it an August Lion and there is a risk you'll end up seeing more of this chapter. The logo is the Lego Knight symbol of the Royal Knights from the era I was really into Lego, I still have the castle waiting for someone cool to go in my hobby shed. As kids we used to call the faction the "Kingly Lions" so I felt the name needed a slight update.

lego castle space marine

Thanks for reading

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