Saturday 21 October 2023

The Cult Rises

   One of the things I wanted to do with the Fratribusia Campaign was have an element of Genestealer Cult doing what they do best and to allow a bit of variation from the endless swarm - for both sides really - but both time and money meant the idea kept being pushed back. I had planned to just do a small force probably just for Kill Team, as that is what I think they would do best in this campaign, however, I popped down to Games Workshop to pick something up for another project but when I found they didn't have it, I decided to pick up a single box of cult figures so I could test a colour scheme. My local GW is one of their smaller stores, so it turned out they only had 3 GSC boxes in stock - none of which I was after. I ended up chatting to the manager and he very much upsold the Combat Patrol box.
   The Combat Patrol boxes are normally a really good deal and with the GSC one you get 4 units, a tank and a character for almost the price of the tank and a single unit, so I figured it was worth a punt.

   The first unit I painted was a regular squad of Neophyte Hybrids*. These guys are the most human looking of the cult with most of them passing a human if slightly bald and having an pallid skin tone - with the cult taking over some mines this didn't seem like an issue to me. I went with a bright orange work suit and white PPE to suit their working environment, plus it really breaks up the green and bone I've been painting a lot of recently.
   I kept a lot of the details from my Tyranid force, the skin has a green wash instead of my normal flesh wash just to give it a slight edge, then tongues are the same purple too. The more mutant the cult member is the more of my Tyranid colour scheme will come out.
*sticking with my theory of paint the regulars first

Thanks for reading


  1. Being a Cult "Collector" (Cos I haven't played a game of 40K since 2nd Ed, but loved the GSC models enough to collect a small army of them), I really like that you've added these to your army. I read the Carcharodons novel "Outer Dark" and the Cult uprising on whatever planet in the story being a prelude to an actual Tyranid invasion was such a cool idea to me.

    The standard orange/white combo on these guys looks great and I like the skin tones too. Will you be sticking with just a small 10-man unit or bulking them out to 20 so they'll stick around a bit longer on the battlefield?

    1. I forgot there was cult in that novel - might be time for a reread.
      I've got 20, but as it stands they will be 10 man squads until I get a second combat patrol to boost numbers.

      The reviving dead squads that GSC have will go some way to helping them survive
