Saturday, 8 September 2018

Expanding the motorpool

   While I get on with my Hervictus Imperial Guard project, I am also carrying on with my other projects, my Sons of Horus still being amougst these. My 30k backlog has become fairly substantial*, partly because of my lack of motivation over the summer and partly because I had the chance to get a chunk of plastics for silly cheap as they will always be useful, however, this has made the box it all sits in a tad daunting, so I thought I would take the opportunity to get a couple of the bigger models built and painted and free up some space.

*If ever there was an understatement, this is it

    While later in this very post I will explain why I love the idea of land raiders in 30k slightly more than rhinos, these all purpose little transports still hold a very important place in my long term plans for this army.
    This is the second rhino in my army as I am going back through what units I already own and I am now focussing on redundancy and squadrons. My gaming theory always relies on pairs of units doing the same job, you lose one unit and you know there is always a backup, something rhino chassis' do extremely well.

Sons of Horus deimos rhino

   The last despoiler for my despoiler squad. The axe is from a World Eater kitand makes the model look pretty intimidating.

sons of horus despoiler veteran

sons of horus land raider armoured proteus

   I've never been a big fan of Land Raiders in 40k, I love the fluff and the idea of them, but in my head 40k is either small platoon sized armies (my heyday of gaming before I went to uni was all 1000 point games of 40k) where land raiders are just too big, or apocalypse sized games where they almost become too small (?). Step into heresy and all of a sudden land raiders make sense. Gone are the limited numbers of the vehicle that the space marines have access to and gone are the restrictions that they are basically the terminator's rhino - now I can run tactical squads in them if I so wish.
   The next big change to my mind set was the Land Raider Proteus, it was a weird looking tank that I couldn't get my head around when I first got into 30k properly - hence why my first land raider was the more familiar MKIIB -  but the Iron Hands vs Emperor's Children display at Warhammer World really changed my view on the Proteus and the video below cemented my new view that actually, I really did like it (it really is worth a watch).

Thanks for reading