Monday 2 January 2023

New Year - New Project. Into The Desert!

   So, what does 2023 have in stock for me? To be honest, at this point in the year I have no idea but I know what my plans going into it are, the first 6 months (ish) will focus on the Dark Ages* and a big focus on combat in the desert - primarily WW2 but I'd like to get my Crusades back on the table and maybe my New Kingdom Egyptians (interested Neil?). Then the last 6 months will be focussed on gaming in Normandy - again WW2 but including some 100 Years War and maybe some Norman on Norman conflict as Duke William cements his rule before his jaunt to England - which will be after a driving holiday to the province.** Then there will be a smattering of Lord of the Rings across the year as it's something my brothers and I are still playing and a few battle anniversaries I have plans to do something with.

*my favourite period in history and something that has been criminally overlooked in my gaming for the past three years

**but as ever, plans can get changed

   The first thing to do this year with all that in mind is to get the WW2 desert army painted as it's the biggest project for this plan. I picked up the British half of the Warlord Game's Gentleman's War box set that has been supplemented with free sprues from Wargames Illustrated and some other bits and pieces. We've decided to play at the 750 point level instead of the usual 1000 points due to the lack of veterans and expensive tanks***

***it also means we need slightly less trucks which were turning out to be a real drain on the wallet

   There will be more posts on these in the very near future (I hope) where I'll go into more details, but one thing I have decided to do on this project is tone my desert basing down a bit so its more brown than it is cream to blend into my new scenery better***.

***did I mention new scenery?

Thanks for reading


  1. Very nice mate. Those Brits look like they mean business!

    1. Thanks. Just need to get them on the table now

  2. Massive bayonets/bayonet-swords.
    Figures look so much better in the scenery by the way.
    Good call on the darker base. They'd have been tanned don't forget!!
