Friday 25 August 2023

The Swarm Pt 10

   A bit of a forced paint job here, but this is the second and last (planned) unit of Neurogaunts. If I am being entirely honest, these guys are terrible, not the worst unit in the list but definitely up there, but they are so cheap and just add easy numbers to the horde on the table, that I still like the idea of 22 of them as a blob just to worry my opponent. They were no where near the top of my list of priorities but as the swarm unit that was both built and sprayed, plus closest when I decided I needed to do a swarm, they got first dibs.

   I've painted them the same as the other unit, although there might be minor differences, and plan to just shove them together as one big unit in games - unless I have a real reason not to.

The next unit might be a big bug, but I'm going to try and get myself to do another swarm unit.

Thanks for reading


  1. The Bugs are traditionally known for their hordes of annoying squishy gnats, so it makes sense to have some. Nice speed bumps to slow up power-armoured enemies for a turn or two that should allow extra time for your heavy hitters to come charge in and kick butt.

    Contrast Paints make painting these so much easier and they look good for it.

    1. I do regret not going the full contrast route to start with - the new termagaunts look especially good with a single layer of contrast.
      Sadly this scheme is copied from my brother and is a base layer, with a contrast over the top and then a dry brush - I've tried a couple of contrasts to skip the base layer and just haven't got something that matches well enough yet.
