Wednesday 2 October 2024

Horrors Of The Deep Blue Kind

   Speaking to one of my brothers before my birthday and I was half joking and half threatening about doing a small Tzeentch Daemon army to compliment his Thousand Sons in our next campaign (before the news that our gaming venue was shutting down). I already have a single unit of Pink Horrors that I don't think ever made it onto this blog, but that need a real tidy up anyway. However, Pink Horrors need a unit of Blue Horrors to be able to be used*.

*and Blue Horrors need Brimestone Horrors . . .

   So a month after my birthday, my other brother turns up at the door with a pile of wrapped presents, one of which is a box of Blue Horrors.

   This things are painted in contrast - just perfect for this job - with a highlight on the top and then painted fairly normally from that stage onwards. Yellow is also contrast as Iyanden Yellow over Wraithbone is just superior to any other yellow I have ever used.

Blue Horrors Tzeentch Daemons

Thanks for reading

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