Monday, 1 April 2019

A quiet afternoon in the garden

   “No one knows who taught the Little Folk about Marxism, but it is well agreed that there will be hell to pay when they are discovered, for this was the beginning of the time of trouble”

   I was on the Midlams Miniatures site looking for a few more Rangers* and my basket was a tad light to justify the postage, and I'd looked at the Gnomes before and didn't know what I would do with them. This time, however, was the day after I had happened to have a skim through my copy of Open Combat and it all came together as a plan.

*I love the ranger archeotype anyway and 
now I have Rangers of Shadowdeep to justify it.

   One of the things that drew me to Open Combat in the first place was how easy the stats are to ‘fudge’ into an appropriate game. If I want to do a gnomish raid on a garden patch I can stat my human gardeners up to be more powerful than a hero in another game, but it doesn’t matter as the gnomes they are fighting will be much weaker. This then allows you to use those daft little collections, that you still can’t really justify, in an actual game without needing to buy enough to make a Dragon Rampant force or something similar.
   With an idea in my mind and a vague stat line written out and pointed up, I bought 1 gnome too many for what I thought I needed** and this daft project was started. Now, with Salute in less than a week, I wanted to make sure these were off my painting table, as it will come as no shock, that I have a shopping list.

**Can't risk having too few

midlam miniature gnome warband open combat

Thanks for reading


  1. These are brilliant Mike! I just love the idea of a Gnomish war with the gardeners!

    1. Thanks Michael.
      Coming to a blog very near here as soon as I get the time to get it on the table.

    2. Me too Michael! Love these minis too

    3. Thanks Gobbo.
      I'd better get my skates on and make time, then.

    4. Just out of curiosity, how tall are they Mike?

    5. 20mm from feet to eyes - hat takes them to nearly 28mm.
      I'll take some photos of them next to some humans in their next post.

  2. I'll never look at a garden gnome and see "an ornament" again! ;-)
    This is just brilliant Mike, and I'm looking forward to seeing this project as it progresses!

    1. Thanks Addict.
      Bit of whimsy, but everyone needs whimsy in their lives
