Monday, 3 April 2017

A weekend conscripting

   I got it into my head on Sunday, after spending Saturday with Neil and Paul from SEEMS and gawping at Neil's newly finished Norman army, that I really needed to get my arse in gear and finish some projects and clear my work desk as I have a whole Gripping Beast metal Viking army* that I really want to do the best paint job I can manage and not have to rush it at all. There are a few projects that I can happily put aside and walk away from** but there are a few more that are so close to being finished that it seems daft not to power on through and get them done rather than let them fall by the wayside.***
   Nothing special for my first post (just another unit of French Napoleonic) since that realisation but I am getting so close to a point where I could play with this army that it is getting really exciting, I just need to really start persuading my other mate to get painting.
* and a Welsh one too
** I plan to sell a few bits off too
*** I always seem to be in this mood in the pre-Salute build up

Thanks for reading


  1. These are lovely Mike and I know that pre-Salute build up well, which only ever leads to more shiny toys coming home! :)

    1. Thanks Michael. I'm not even able to go to Salute this year and I'm still in the mind set.

    2. Sorry to hear that you aren't able to attend the year Mike, I have to confess I was wondering whether to give it a miss this year myself.

    3. My wallet will thank me for not going but it is a great day out. We will have to meet up at a different show.
