Sunday, 17 March 2019

Back to the boys in Blue

   As I said before, I over bought when it came to the Union side of the armies. When the plastic set came with a unit of light infantry it only made sense to round it up to a full unit or 2 halves, and with 2 metal Perry cannons costing the same as 3 plastic ones, again, it only made sense to go for the bigger number. However, as it turned out I had exactly the right amount of motivation to paint 24 points of both Union and Conderate, and these last 18 figures were over that number, so as a result, they have felt like much more of a chore than the rest of the project so far.
   I've not painted them any differently from the other Union guys, so I'll let the pictures do the bulk of the talking.

And that is basically it for the ACW project at the sec, bar getting them onto the table and actually trying out the ruleset. I think this is the first time I have blogged about a project that was bigger than a single unit, over the course of a few blogs and not got distracted . . .

Thanks for reading