Saturday 20 March 2021

15mm french

    Like I said a few posts back, this 15mm thing has really gotten me thinking about my hobby and while the conclusions I am starting to draw won't be the same ones others might come to, I am becoming convinced that 15mm might be God's True Scale etc.

   With that in mind, I was on the Hovel's website and I noticed they sold resin models of the farms at Waterloo. I would love to have a miniature version of Hougoumont sitting on a shelf but I doubt it would see much table time as I'll never be in a position to refight Waterloo as is. But it was when I saw La Haye Sainte that I really got thinking, why can't I refight a set piece from the battle? So instead of playing the whole day's worth of action at a single farm, we refight one bit - in this case I am planning on a scenario based on the initial infantry attack, if the King's German Legion can hold then we can work out a winner and loser from that, without getting complicated and adding the 5th battalion trying to relieve them or the French cavalry's attack which will complicate matters.

   So with that in mind, I researched the King's German Legion* and ordered an army for them and for the French. As is my normal practise, I then started painting the biggest side, although I have been hampered by running out of black spray.

*A story for another day . . .

  I'm still toying around with how I am going to represent troops numbers, but as a first go through, I plan to paint a Rebels and Patriots size unit to represent each French company - although I might double up in the future. This first batch is the Grenadiers, the 2rnd and the 3rd, with the 1st, 4th and voltigeurs left to go. The figures are from Blue Moon, I think, but sold via Old Glory UK at the very least.

Thanks for reading

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