Thursday 25 March 2021

The Union Boys Keep Marching On

    I've got to stop giving myself to much to paint in one go as it kills motivation, but here is my last* big batch of ACW 15mm(ish) figures and its more for the Union Side - thanks to Paul from my club for posting me his sprue. 


   Not much to add for the painting as you've seen it all before, but I've stopped doing anything with the mounted officer from the sprue as it just doesn't fit the scale of the other cavalry I'm using. I've swapped out the command section for metal figures from Kallistra like I did with the Texans I painted recently and I also replaced one regular trooper on another base with an officer calling orders as I've recently watched Glory and I wanted to recreate a moment in that.

   Also in this post are a couple of extra bases of figures I've added to make the game look a bit more battle like, namely a horse holder for one of the company/regiment's** officer's horses and a command scene with whatever the senior officer of this army is. The more I think about it, the more I should have a base of horse holders for each command base of infantry, so there is a real risk I'll paint at least one more base of them per side in the not too near future.

**not entirely worked out how much a base represent yet

   I've still got a few bases of cavalry to paint for each side, an extra base of infantry for my Union which I just couldn't face painting in this batch and I've just pre-ordered some wagons from Warlord as it's the one extra Kallistra doesn't do. Now if only the new warlord Zouaves were sold in packs of 5 and not 15, I'd definitely get some of them too. Also, do I need some bases of Native American irregulars?

Thanks for reading