Wednesday 2 February 2022

More Man Or Beast?

    This is another post about the result of an early morning of doom scrolling on social media while trying to convince a baby to stay asleep - although hopefully the last post like this for quite some time*. I've wanted to do a centaur army for quite some time, the idea of an entirely mobile half man, half horse cavalry (?) army just seemed like a really fun project, but as a mythical creature every company has their own spin on what they look like and rarely has more than a model or two in their range, making armies both hard to build (and being metal) really expensive. I've got 6x 28mm models from Otherworld Miniatures but struggled to work out what I would do with a single unit.

* Have I set myself up for a fall?

   Then as part of a 15mm High Elf army (not going to be completed for a very long time) I bought a Ral Partha character pack, which came with a Centaur hero and was impressed enough by it to put more centaurs from their range onto my shopping list. Then late last year, I got it into my head to buy two unit packs to test my theory. 

   I've painted them up with regular horse colours in their lower quarters and with Mediterranean skin and hair tones in their upper halves to show where they might historically come from. Something about blonde centaurs feels odd to me, even with almost blonde horse halves.

   I also tried putting the light cavalry (?) versions on a deeper base so that they look like they are in a much more skirmish formation than a fully disciplined charge. This is something I might do again for my Palmyran horse archers when I get to them as I quite like the look.

I'll probably end up adding at least another couple of units of the light versions in time, so sadly, I'm not counting this as a complete project.

Thanks for reading

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