Wednesday 29 March 2023


   It's been a while since I did any work on my 30k projects but my two heresy opponents (and podcast co-presenters) from before the lockdown have started to get some free time again and are trying to arrange games, while I am unable to put the time in to play them regularly, I thought it would be good to try and get some games in when able.

   One of the models that I lusted after when the new edition was released was the Kratos battle tank - a sort of middle child between a Sicaran and a Fellblade* - but the lack of games and price made me do the sensible thing and walk on, until now.

*which are no longer on the forge world website - plastic release possible?

ultramarine kratos colour scheme


That went about as well as expected

Thanks for reading


  1. Awesome firepower!

    1. It is a beastie - did nothing on the battlefield . . .
