I'm starting to ramp up at work so my painting time is starting to vanish - just in time for Leviathan to drop, but I have a few projects that I've finished recently but not posted about, so I'm going to slowly post them while I'm quiet else were.
While I have more important things to be focussing on, I have yet again been distracted, this time by my Eldar.
The first thing is a bit of 3d printed scenery I bought online a few years back - so I have no idea what shop to credit it to - but its a generic Eldar-y bit of scenery and can be whatever we need it to be. Is it a shrine or a small webway portal - lets see what the scenario wants it to be.
I've wrapped it in some GW vines that I bought at the time for this project and added a few jungle plants, the aim being is that it's obviously used every now and again but its not maintained. Painting was with spray guns and I wanted a clean bone finish to it.
The next thing is a squad of old metal Wraithguard, with friendly neighbourhood Spiritseer. This squad was stripped a fair while back but my lack of a colour scheme then realisation that I needed bigger bases meant they just sat in a box waiting for inspiration. While reading the novel The Last Hunt as a way of keeping me going with the Tyranid project, it was the Wraithguard in it* that made me think the hardest. This still left the basing issue, I can buy 40mm bases, but none with the slot needed for these old metal figures, so I decided to do a 2 part fix, 32mm slot bases from GW and base extenders from ebay to do the last 8mm. I've then put a tiny bit of filler on to just take some of the gap away.
Painting wise, I decided to match my guardians but I've gone for full white helmets to show the alien (even to the rest of the Eldar) nature of these. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that white is the colour of grief for the Eldar and not black.
I've got another 2 squads of the old metal figures to paint plus a plastic squad, so I'd better get moving.
Thanks for reading
*limited spoilers there