Monday 12 June 2023


   A post that is completely out of it's own time and place, I painted this Redemptor Dreadnought at the same time as I had a couple of batches of Tyranids on the go and it just didn't fit into how I was posting, so I thought I had better get it up before it falls too far behind.

   I picked the model up as part of the Imperium magazine along with one for my brother who is doing space marines for the campaign. I've always wanted one of these as I'm a big dreadnought fan but just couldn't justify the full price tag for something I wasn't going to use in the short term.

   I've painted it up for my 4th company Aurora Knights and it was one of those models that looked terrible at every stage of the painting process until all of a sudden it just looked right. I've got a decal sheet coming to replace the white "4" on the right facing but otherwise I'm quite pleased with it.

aurora knights space marines redemptor dreadnought

It can be built so that both main guns can be slotted in and out, so I took full advantage of that.

Thanks for reading